
Monday 18 November 2013

Supply Chain Manager Interview Questions

Supply chain managers oversee the movement of goods from suppliers to end users. Many supply chains span the globe and involve multiple service providers. Because most industries operate in a just-in-time environment, managers must find efficient, cost-effective ways to move materials and avoid production shutdowns. Employers interviewing supply chain manager candidates will ask questions in key areas to determine the applicant's ability to succeed in this field.


Supply chain managers have to deal with unexpected problems on a daily basis. Interviewers need to determine if job candidates can solve issues such as supply chain disruptions and contract disputes with vendors. They may ask for an example of how you handled a problem like a supplier not meeting shipping deadlines or bad weather delaying a shipment. Be prepared to explain how you resolved types of situations such as a carrier rate hike or routing change. Your examples should have clear, step-by-step explanations. If you were not able to solve a problem, share what you learned from the experience.

Analytic Skills

To stay competitive, companies must move materials in a timely, low-cost manner. Supply chain managers have to constantly analyze their operations to find ways to save money and avoid delays. Employers usually ask applicants to describe situations where they made process improvements. Your answer should include the kind of reports or analysis tools you have used to identify weak areas and find solutions.


Supply chain managers communicate with parties throughout the supply chain and within their own organization. They may have to exchange information with others in different time zones and deal with language barriers. Interviewers ask questions about communication to see how job candidates handle communication barriers and make sure the recipient understood the message. Employers may inquire how you have handled difficult situations such as an angry customer or unhappy service provider, especially one who speaks another language.

Global Perspective

Successful supply chain managers have a global view and are comfortable with cultural diversity. The interview may include questions about your experience working in other countries and how you handled cultural differences. Some questions may have references to world events or new international trade regulations. 

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